A witty, intelligent enticing individual is incarnated as an adorable and mesmerising Persian Cat. Cleopatra understands human communications and feels deep emotions. Cleopatra narrates her various experiences in the households that she visits as a pet. Each time a cat falls from a height, it can land safely on its paws.

This book celebrates the enduring spirit of an ordinary person making an extraordinary choice. This book is dedicated to every individual walking their own path or carving a new one. There is no therapy greater than gratitude. There is no medicine more powerful than love. There is no mood elevator more effective than laughter. Life is a series of beautiful, exciting situations and circumstances. Challenges and pain are inevitable in life. We can still lift ourselves from the depths of despair and spiral back to great heights.

Cleopatra is here to spin some extraordinary stories for you. The word extraordinary would fall short to describe this bunch of people she has lived with. Heroes are everywhere. Let’s join Cleopatra on this adventure called life.

A revolution is necessary within every individual for the evolution of mankind.


Never fit in

Life is in the simple things..

Laugh aloud,

Be playful,

Lick your fingers,

Work very hard,.

Sit on the floor,

Walk barefoot whenever you can.

Dress for yourself,

Slurp and be noisy when you sip your favourite beverage.

Be Kind.

Tiptoe with poise as if you are fragile and precious;

Stamp your feet and shake the ground beneath as you walk your path;

Be silent and observe,

Become a storm and give rise to a revolution.

Love against all odds.

So when life hands you over to death with reluctance,

Death resurrects you with more vigor,

And that’s how you will live forever.


What is life?

How does one measure one’s worth in their lifetime? Do one’s professional achievements define it? Is it evaluated based on the limit on their plastic? Can the last comforting breath rest on the bed of accumulated wealth and property or treasured memories? How does one define a life well lived to its fullest?

A lot of debating and analysing has been done about people in their deathbeds and their last-minute thoughts. What are the thoughts and emotions that go through them, one will never know.

What if we don’t wait for the last minutes to teach us life’s most priceless lessons? What if, in the living years, we allow life to tell us what actually matters with each passing day? What if each experience is symbolic to the end followed by a new beginning?

Can we allow the present to help us realise our purpose in life instead of waiting for regrets or lessons in the future to dawn upon us? What if we live once more all over again? What if life had a series of rebirth and awakening?

This book is a compilation of short stories narrated by a pet cat named Cleopatra who keenly observes the people living in every home she visits. Each time the families experienced pain, tragedy, challenge and adverse situations, Cleopatra was reborn with realisation, light, wisdom and peace.The moody, loving, adorable, aloof, faithful and pompous Cleopatra narrates her stories with humour, sarcasm and joy making the experience of reading the book pleasurable while delivering the true essence of human emotions.

Life unfolds through the watchful eyes of a cat.She licks her wounds and springs back to climb another tall tree to get yet another beautiful view. Every moment in life is stringed together like stories in a book finding their way into the pages of a bestseller.